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Showing 41-46 of 46 results

Jim Rohlfing, a Partner in the firm's Construction Practice, will speak at the Illinois Mechanical and Specialty Contractors Association event.

The CFPB is now ready to directly regulate the purveyors of digital consumer marketing. The CFPB new rule clarifies when digital marketers and financial products sellers are subject to consumer protection regulations. Digital marketers that are "materially involved" in the development of content...

Lisa Colon, Partner at Saul Ewing, will be on the faculty of a live 90-minute CLE webinar on Construction Defect Defenses: Loss Mitigation, Economic Waste, Right to Repair, Betterment Doctrine on August 3, 2022. This CLE course will advise construction counsel on the most common defenses to...

A Delaware trial court, applying New Jersey and Delaware law, recently ruled that a general contractor, despite not being a party to either a loan agreement or loan commitment, could successfully recover damages from a construction lender. See BCD Assocs., LLC v. Crown Bank, No. CV N15C-11-062 EMD...

Public construction in Pennsylvania and elsewhere continues to present substantial challenges to local governmental entities. While some projects have been deferred in the current health and economic climate, at some point, and we hope sooner rather than later, the normal course of public...

In this article, Bill Warren, a partner in the Firm's Government Contracts Practice, describes the current PA municipal policies applied in assessing building permit fees on public projects undertaken by school districts, counties and other public entities and the recommended approach to challenging...

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