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This article explores some of the recent updates to Philadelphia C-PACE laws and how commercial property owners have and continue to leverage C-PACE financing as a viable tool in their sustainability efforts.

Throughout 2023, OSHA has implemented multiple policy changes meant to enhance its enforcement mechanisms, including increased funding and inspector hirings, revisions to the "instance-by-instance" violation policy, modifications to the Severe Violator Enforcement Program, and the new electronic...

"Downtown retail is facing a significant decline, grappling with the lasting effects of the pandemic, the unstoppable rise of ecommerce and the mounting pressure of surging interest rates. However, amidst the decline that shrouds downtown districts, a powerful opportunity for resurgence emerges."

Brownfields Redevelopment: A CREW NJ Lunch and Learn Melissa Clarke joins CREW NJ and commercial real estate professionals to discuss the tools and resources necessary to redevelop brownfield sites -- properties that are abandoned or underutilized because of either real or perceived contamination.

Partner Richard "Shark" Forsten will speak on panel regarding the coming New Castle County county-wide property tax reassessment.

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