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California has long been notorious for having a law, backed by public policy, prohibiting employee noncompete provisions except in very limited circumstances. Effective January 1, 2024, it even more aggressively furthers this stance. The Legislature noted that noncompete clauses remain common in the...

Enclosed are comments on the taxation of digital assets. These comments are submitted on behalf of the American Bar Association's Section of Taxation and have not been reviewed or approved by the House of Delegates or the Board of Governors of the American Bar Association. Accordingly, they should...

Throughout 2023, OSHA has implemented multiple policy changes meant to enhance its enforcement mechanisms, including increased funding and inspector hirings, revisions to the "instance-by-instance" violation policy, modifications to the Severe Violator Enforcement Program, and the new electronic...

In a Bloomberg article titled, “Cannabis Industry Enjoys a Rare Moment of Progress,” Partner Zachary Kobrin discussed the implications of last week’s news that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is recommending looser restrictions for cannabis producers. Kobrin, who is based in Fort...

In late August, the HHS Office for Civil Rights ("OCR") announced an $80,000 settlement with United Healthcare Insurance Company ("United") relating to OCR's right of access initiative (the "Initiative") which requires that patients be able to access their health information in a timely manner...

This month’s Friday Five explores decisions regarding the timeliness of appeals, the support necessary to sustain an LTD termination decision, a court’s discretion to credit and discredit expert opinions, the circumstances under which an insured may be required to prove they were prejudiced by the...

In a recent letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommended that cannabis be reclassified as a Schedule III drug under the Controlled Substances Act. The DEA will conduct its own review of HHS’s findings before officially determining...

​The HHS Office of Inspector General issued an 'unfavorable' advisory opinion in August with respect to a proposed joint venture relating to interoperative neuro monitoring. Parties considering joint ventures and those in joint ventures should review the OIG analysis to assess compliance with...

Help, My Business is In Trouble! When a business becomes financially troubled, the business owner often experiences denial, paralysis, or both. Lenders commonly lose confidence and then trust in the business, as communications tend to break down, deadlines are missed, and promises are broken. Small...

Effective July 1, 2023, the Freelance Worker Protections Ordinance of the City of Los Angeles became effective, imposing new requirements on the use of independent contractors and freelance workers together with new penalties for the violation of its requirements. Its provisions apply to a written...

Since Illinois first enacted the Day and Temporary Labor Services Act (the “Act”) in 2006, the number of temporary workers in the state has more than doubled, from 300,000 to over 650,000 workers. The number of registered temporary worker agencies has also doubled, from 150 to over 300. To address...

Litigator School – Part II: ADR & Settlement Many cases are litigated outside of the court system through the use of alternative dispute resolution methods such as arbitration, and the vast majority of cases settle before they reach trial, either as a result of the parties’ efforts or with the help...

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